4. Diagonalize the following matrix, if possible. = 1 3 3 A -3 -5 -3 3 3 1 That is, find an invertible matrix P and a di... 查看全部
6. We consider the simple electric circuit shown in Figure: An electro- motive force (usually a battery or generator) pr... 查看全部
5. We consider the motion of an object with mass m at the end of a vertical spring. where k is a positive constant (call... 查看全部
Determine an orthonormal basis for V = R[x]n be the linear spaceof polynomials of degree ≤ n over the real number field ... 查看全部
Real analysis) Explain in detail.Suppose that f el(R) and Is fl = Sifi Show that there is a constant c such that cf = \f... 查看全部
Prove the Frobenius norm ∥·∥F is unitarily invariant:1 Let A ∈ Cm×n with A = [α1,α2,··· ,αn]. Then∥A∥2F =∑ni=1∥αi∥222 ∥A... 查看全部
Prove the following Matrix Norms properties For any matrix A ∈Cm×n, we have1- ||AH||1 = ||AT||1 =∥A∥∞2- ||AH||2 = ||AT||... 查看全部
10. (10 pta) Solve the following integrals ch us 2x In x In3 (Inx) b) 2x+2x sel 26-)tan(+26)
2. Find the integral fos un by the Simpson 13 rule with ó segment. 3. A particle of mass m moving through a fluid is sub... 查看全部