The following two questions treat the consumer as making sequential decisions:a decisionin period 1 and a decision in pe... 查看全部
1.Suppose you have data on N firms,and for each firm data are available atemployee level.Consider the following model at... 查看全部
(a)(10 point)Consider the two linear regression models:· Model1:y=a+a1X1+a2X2+u1· Model2:=0+31X1+B2X2+3X3+34X4+u2 Prove ... 查看全部
In the three-sector economy, the known consumption function C = 100+ 0.8YD, investment I = 30 billion yuan, government p... 查看全部
Suppose that the consumption function of an economy isC = 600 + 0.8 Yd The investment function is 1 = 400-50R, and the g... 查看全部
Suppose that in a two-sector economy with only households and firms, Y is income, and the consumption function is C = 00... 查看全部
Suppose that in a two-sector economy with only households and firms, consumption C =100 + 0.8Y, investment I = 150-6R, n... 查看全部
The economy produces three kinds of products: books, bread and string beans. Their production and prices in 1998 and 199... 查看全部
Suppose that in a two-sector economy with only households and enterprises, consumption C = 100+ 0.8Y, investment I = 150... 查看全部
The trading demand and speculative demand for currency are given below. (1) What is the demand for money with an income ... 查看全部