Calculate the slope of the normal line at the point t=on the curve x cos t cos't.y 1 sin t
When x→o+,compute infinitesimal quantities equivalent to√x.
Know that the equation of our curve L is{x=+1(1≥0)y =4t-t,(①)The convexity of L is discussed.()Point (-1,0)lead the tang... 查看全部
Letf(u)have a second derivative in(0,+oo),andz=f(√x2+y2)satisfies equation=0(①)Verify that f"(u)+()=0;(i)If f(1)=0,f'(1)... 查看全部
LetD={(x,y)x2+y2≤1,x≥0},to calculate I=1 +xydxdy..D1+x+y
Try to determine the values of the constants A,B and C,such that ex(1+Bx Cx2)=1+Ax+o(x3),where o(x3)is an infinitesimal ... 查看全部