We can easily convert interest rates into price changes by fixing the duration. For example, there is a loan of 1 milli... 查看全部
In the neoclassical growth model, the production function is Y = LOGON (K) = 2K - 0.5K2, the average saving rate is 0.3,... 查看全部
Under what circumstances is the aggregate supply curve horizontal, vertical, and sloping upward to the right? What impac... 查看全部
Why does classical theory say that aggregate supply curves are vertical?
How is the aggregate supply curve derived?
What are the factors that affect the aggregate demand curve?
Consider an economy described by the following equation: Y = C+I+G+NX. Where Y = 5 000, G = 1 000, T = 1 000, C = 250+0.... 查看全部
If a Japanese car costs 500,000 yen and a similar American car costs 10,000 dollars, and if $1 can buy 100 yuan, what is... 查看全部
How does the net foreign investment of large countries affect the level of world interest rates?
How does fiscal policy affect a country's trade balance?