图片识别成文本:1-10 Let A=11 1 and there is such that Aa =2 a, find A*+.1a2
图片识别成文本: functiony=y(x) on the(o,∞) meet Ay=(+)x+o(x) and y()= find y(x).
图片识别成文本: What is the total derivative dz of the function z(,y)determined by the equation x+2y z-2vxyz =0 at the point (-... 查看全部
图片识别成文本: az+y ay az Let z =xy +xF(), where F is a differentiable function, find xax
图片识别成文本: Let's f()= arcsinx, and for 0, f(x)=()x(<<1)find lim 0.x→0