Seta.=1++…+ -In n( =1, 2, ... proves that the sequence {an}2n converges.
1 Proof: for any positive integer n,n+1
Let the function z(xy, yg (x)), where f has the second continuous partial derivative,(x) is differentiable, and the extr... 查看全部
Let the two-dimensional random variable (X,Y) obey the normal distribution N(u,, o2, o2 0), calculate().
If the equation of the quadric surface x'2+3y2+z+2axy+2xz+2yz=4 is transformed into+=4 by orthogonal transformation, cal... 查看全部
Let F(x,)= sin t1+t2 dt, to calculate2
Compute the solution y of the differential equation y'+y=e cosx satisfying the condition y()=0
The curve= tan tdt(o≤x≤) is the arc length of
Let the random variables X and Y be independent, and E(X) and E(Y) exist, write U= max{X, Y), V=min{X, Y), and calculate... 查看全部