Compute the particular solution form of the differential equation"-4y= +cos2x.
When meteorites falling to the ground high-speed passes through our atmosphere, the meteorite surface with the momentum ... 查看全部
Known differential equation(y-x)z, is transforming u=+y2, v=+w=lnz-(x+y), including=wu,v, and after transformation of th... 查看全部
2 L:+y2=(x >0, >0), draw a tangent line through a point on L, and find the minimum area enclosed by the tangent li... 查看全部
Let the parabola= ax+ bx +c pass points(0,0) and (1,2), where a<0, determine a,b,c to minimize the area enclosed by t... 查看全部
Let(, y) determined by the equation 3x2-6xy +2y3+-zInz=0, find the extreme value of =z(Z,y).
1-10 Let A=11 1, and there's a=0 such that Aa=2a, calculation A'+2E |1a2
function=y(x) on the(o, meet Ay(+ sinx)ax+o(ax),andy()= Calculation f(x).
A continuous function f(x) meet(- t)dt arctanr =In(+) and f(1) 2, calculation f (x )dx.
Compute the fully micro square dz of the function z(x, y) at the point (-1,-1,9) determined by the equation+2y z-2yxyz =... 查看全部