3. Water is to be cooled in a packed tower from a temperature of 45°C to 32°C using a counter current stream of air. The... 查看全部
11. 13. The measured by viscometer. 12. Fractional distillation device is used to ------ The boiling point of in petrole... 查看全部
Q.6 What size of orifice would give a pressure difference of 0.3 m water gauge for the flow of a petroleum product of de... 查看全部
12. Fractional distillation device is used to -------- 13. The boiling point of in petroleum mixture is called initial b... 查看全部
PDE: Modeling circular drum head(A) Think about modeling a circular drum head. What mightthe boundary conditions look li... 查看全部
Q.1 and Acetaldehyde is oxidized over silica gel with the help of air. A mixture of acetaldehyde and (10) air is passed ... 查看全部
5. Paraffin is hydrocarbons saturated series with general formula 6. The general formula for Alkyl group is 7. Coke and ... 查看全部
5. Paraffin is hydrocarbons saturated series with general formula 6. The general formula for Alkyl group is 7. Coke and ... 查看全部
O 145 x 1018 8101 XFS 6 BLOL XEO2 810LXOZIO BLO1X9S paguonge jo posto pesapead (3.7 para S001 * paristeca) (09:0, 09185 ... 查看全部
5. Paraffin is hydrocarbons saturated series with general formula 6. The general formula for Alkyl group is 7. Coke and ... 查看全部