A reference material contains 770 ± 40 Bq kg-1 40K, 695 ± 35 Bq kg-1 238 U in equilibrium with all decayproducts, 464 ± 22 Bq kg-1 232Th in equilibrium with all decay products, and 337 ± 6 Bq kg-1 137Cs. Citing the source of the nuclear data used, calculate the emission rates from 50g of this material for each of the gamma rays listed in the table after Q6.
50g of the reference material from Q.4 is measured on a detector for 25ks along with a 200ks background. Thecounts for different gamma ray lines in these are given in the table after Q6.
a) calculate the gross count rate, background count rates and net count rates for each emitted gamma ray in s-1
b) What proportions of each emitted gamma ray are detected?
c) Plot the efficiency as a function of energy, and comment on the form of the relationship.
d) Using an appropriate interpolation of the energy vs efficiency relationship estimate the detectionefficiency for the two main 134Cs gamma rays. Cite the source of nuclear data used for the 134Cs emissionprobabilities