Create A New Database In MS-Access, Name It As “Exam” And Save On Desktop, In Your Computer. 1) Create Following Project And Employee Tables In The Database Using Design. [3 Marks] Project PID Pname Location 11 P1 Central 22 P2 South 33 P3 West 44 P4 Nort

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:36 计算机类Computing

EID Ename Employee Job Salary benefits Sales Manager 1500.0 32 PID 11 Joiningdate 20-Nov-19 17-May-13 01-Jan-15 Lecturer 2100.0 45 EMPO1 ABEER EMPO2 BODOOR EMPO3 HAJAR EMPO4 YOUSIF EMPO5 SHARIFA 22 HR Manager 1900.0 331 33 Driver 0800.0 45 03-Nov-10 33 HOS 2280.0 20 02-May-15 22 Condition: a) Salary should be less than 5000 b) Use Look Up wizard for Job c) Create a calculated field as" Totalsalary", adding salary" and "benefits [Totalsalary-salary+ benefits] d) Using IF, create a calculated field" comment", to display "High" if salary is more than 1500 otherwise display low
