1 pts Smoking damages the structure and function throughout the lungs, which of the following are likely to be directly altered by smoking? O A. The cilia lining the bronchi and bronchioles. O B. Mucous production by golblet cells in the lungs. C. Nasal hair growth. O D. Innervation of the diaphragm. O E. A and B are correct. O F. All are correct. 1 pts Over a cell's lifetime of copying itself for mitosis and exposure to environmental substances such as cigarette smoke carcinogens, the cell accumulates DNA changes. What may happen to the changed cell if it continues to live? O A. The cell may grow and divide uncontrollably. O B. The cell will become improved and provide additional benefits to the body. O C. The cell may start to invade other tissues. O D. A and Care correct.