6:58 AT&T 77% { QC Rh Antisera.... A Name Quality Control For Special Rh Antisera Note: AC For Daniele To Be Recorded On The Worksheet Antisera Control Run Agglutination Result Anti- Positive Anti- Anti- Negative Anti-C + Positive Anti-E + Negative An

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:32 护理学Nursing

6:58 AT&T 77% { QC Rh antisera.... a Name Quality Control for Special Rh Antisera Note: aC for Daniele to be recorded on the worksheet Antisera Control Run Agglutination Result Anti- Positive Anti- Anti- Negative Anti-C + Positive Anti-E + Negative Anti- Positive Anti- Negative Antic Positive = Anti- Anti-c Anti-e Negative = Anti-e. 0 Why do answer the following questions: heterozygous form of an antigen when performing QC oň special antisera? we use a "The Anti-C is demonstrating dosage" what does mean? this phrase 2.
