Essay Required With 500 To 1000 Words Limit. I Have Been Teaching You The Importance Of Communication. You Can Write About That Too. Why Do You Think Communication Is Essential For Your Future Career? Do You Feel Confident Speaking In Front Of A Big Group

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:32 护理学Nursing

Essay required with 500 to 1000 words limit.

I have been teaching you the importance of communication. Youcan write about that too. Why do you think communication isessential for your future career? Do you feel confident speaking infront of a big group of people? If your answer is no, explain why?What skills must you have to be able to work in your chosenprofession? Do you have these skills already? What is yourweakness? How will you improve?

Moreover, I have been teaching you reading styles. How do youread? Are you skimming, scanning or reading for detail? Why?

I would like to see in your essay reflection of how you willapproach the future challenges and expectations of a universitycourse. You can find the next questions useful in writing thatsection.

What skills are required to be successful in your course anduniversity? Why?

What is your weakness? How will you improve?

What other skills you will need to gain? How?

What do you think will be the biggest obstacle of universitylife in the future?

What have you done good in the past? How will this help you inthe future at OBC?
