1.Anelectron is trapped in aone-dimensional, symmetric, finite, square potential well. Thebarriers of the well extend laterally all the way to plus/minusinfinity and are 1 keV high. The widths of the well is L = 1nm.
(a) What is the penetration dept of the wavicel when it is inthe second excited state?
(b) What is the energy of the wavicel in its second excitedstate? Do three iterations on the basis of the penetration deptconcept and an infinite square potential well model.
(c) Is this energy value sharp or fuzzy? Conceptual reasoningsuffices.
(d)Can you actually detect the wavicel there?Conceptual reasoning suffices.
(e) By symmetry considerations alone and on the basis of theinfinitely deep square potential well model, what will be theexpectation value of the position x.
(f) Will the expectation value of the position be sharp orfuzzy? Conceptual reasoning suffices.