The Rotor Is An Amusement Park Ride In Which People Paid To Be Allowed To Climb Into A Cylinder That Turned At A Great Enough Angular Speed That The Centrifugal Effect And Frictional Forces Allowed The Operator To Drop The Floor Of The Cylinder Leaving Th

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:31 物理类Physics

The Rotor is an amusement park ride in which people paid to beallowed to climb into a cylinder that turned at a great enoughangular speed that the centrifugal effect and frictional forcesallowed the operator to drop the floor of the cylinder leaving theriders suspended against the wall. Your physics instructor, whomasses 87 kg is one such rider. Having made a poor choice ofclothing, he slides downwards at a constant 0.0512 m/s after thefloor is withdrawn. Given that the cylinder has a radius of 2.2meters and turns at 33⅓ revolutions per minute, compute thecoefficient of friction between his clothes and the inner surfaceof the cylinder (“barrel”).
