A Grist Mill Is A Machine Powered By A Water Wheel To Grind Grains Into Flour. The Waterwheel Has A Radius Of 6 Feet, The Gear Wheel Has A Radius Of 1.75 Feet, And The Grinding Stone Has A Radius Of 10 Inches. If The Water Wheel Rotates At 5rpms, Determin

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:18 数学类Mathematics

A grist mill is a machine powered by a water wheel to grindgrains into flour. The waterwheel has a radius of 6 feet, the gearwheel has a radius of 1.75 feet, and the grinding stone has aradius of 10 inches. If the water wheel rotates at 5rpms, determinethe revolutions per minute of the grinding stone.
