Given This Logistic Function. It Is Being Used In Terms Of Infected People And The Population Of The US. When X=0, Ln Was 100 Infected People. 325,000,000 Is The Population Of The US. The Question Is Asking How Many Days (x) Until The Population Is Only 1

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:17 数学类Mathematics

Given this logistic function. It is being used in terms ofinfected people and the population of the US. when x=0, Ln was 100infected people. 325,000,000 is the population of the US. thequestion is asking how many days (x) until the population is only100 noninfected people.

L) = 320୦୦,୦୦୦ | 32 1991 = ..00)
