(iii) Lot P:(Q) Be The Vector Space Of Polynomials Of Degree < 8 Over The Field Q And Let D :P (Q) + Px(Q) Le Tlic Lincar Map Given By Differentintion. Write Down The Least Positive Integer 1 For Which D\" = 0) On Pi(Q). By Suitably Factorising Th

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:17 数学类Mathematics

(iii) Lot P:(Q) be the vector space of polynomials of degree < 8 over the field Q and let D :P (Q) + Px(Q) le tlic lincar map given by differentintion. Write down the least positive integer 1 for which D" = 0) on Pi(Q). By suitably factorising the expression D9 + I show that thic mapping DC: - Di +1 : P:(Q) - Px(Q) is invertible, and write down an expression for its inverse in terms of D. Hence find the unique solution n E Px(Q) to the differential cquation rhin carli din ta d. por + 2 + 2.728 +3 – ?? -
