1-Draw NPDA for the following languages L={on1 19.120) L={02n1", n20 2-Write a context free grammar for the following languages L={0'1“nžm} L={a?cmb.kan,m20) L={www},we(a,b)* L=fw, number of a's equal to the number of b's), wela bil 3-Prove that CFL are closed under union and star operations and not closed under intersection. 4-derive the following sentences from the grammar you ferite Lerul, number of a's equal to the number of b'si wezji Habbbaa bababbaa aaabbb -bbaa 1-Draw NPDA for the following languages L={oni 1.nzo] L={02019, n20} 2-Write a context free grammar for the following languages L={0"1", n2m} L={acmumkan,m20) L={www},weļa, b]* LE{w, number of a's equal to the number of b’s), we{a,b}" 3-Prove that CFL are closed under union and star operations and not closed under intersection 4-derive the following sentences from the grammar you write L={w, number of a's equal to the number of b’s), wa'a bj. -abbbaa -bababbaa -aaabbb -bbaa -aa5