1. (5 Pts) Remember The Diagran Below? It Was One Of Our Examples In The Notes, Where Wo Assumed AD BC And ZADCĄ ZBCD, Constructed Segnents AC And BD, And Proved That ZDAB LABC. A B D Write A New Proof That ZDAB ZABC But Don't Follow Exactly What We Did I

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:14 数学类Mathematics

pls tell the theorem used. thanks

1. (5 pts) Remember the diagran below? It was one of our examples in the notes, where wo assumed AD BC and ZADCĄ ZBCD, constructed segnents AC and BD, and proved that ZDAB LABC. A B D Write a new proof that ZDAB ZABC but don't follow exactly what we did in the notes. In particular, you can skip all the AST stuff, and apply one of our new triangle congruence theorems for a really quick proof! [Moral of the story: more theorems means more POWERRRRR!] 2. (7 pts) Provide a new proof of ITTI. completely different from what we did in the notes, by using the technique we saw in the proof of ITT2! 3. (7 pts) Provide a ruw proof of ITT2. completely different from what we did in the notes, by using the technique we saw in the proof of ITTI! 4. (8 pts) AXY Z is given. Proses XYYZ XZ if and only if ZX 228 22 (Hint: 1 deri I think this problem is so difficult that it needs a hint, but people lend to do too much work. You don't need any triangle cergruence lere! Just lind the oh-so-useful therein. Note this is an ill statement, so there are TWO separate directions to prove
