Section C Practical Instructions: Use Codeblocks / To Write Programs. Copy And Paste Program In The Answer Part. Write A C Program To Read Two Floating Point Numbers T And F From The Console And Find The Value Of K Using The Following Fo

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:14 数学类Mathematics

Section C Practical Instructions: Use Codeblocks / to write programs. Copy and paste program in the answer part. Write a C program to read two floating point numbers T and F from the console and find the value of K using the following formula. K = -3/T +5* F3 – 2* P T Р If value of T is more than or 10 % of F equals to 25 If value of T is less than 25 and 5% of F greater than or equal to 16 if value of T is less than 16 and 2% of F greater than or equals to 9 If value of T is less than 9 1% of F Sample output: enter the values of I and F:4 2 T=4.000000 F=2.000000 P=0.020000 K=33.959999
