(b) Figure Shows Three Charged Particles, Held In Place By Forces Not Shown. What Electrostatic Force, Experience By Other Two Charges On Qı? Take Qı=-1.6uC, Q2 = +6.7 °C And Q3 =-4.3 °C, R 12 = 17 Cm And R 13 = 18 Cm And 0 = 40 (05 Marks) F12 R12 F13

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:14 数学类Mathematics

(b) Figure shows three charged particles, held in place by forces not shown. What electrostatic force, experience by other two charges on qı? Take qı=-1.6uC, q2 = +6.7 °C and q3 =-4.3 °C, r 12 = 17 cm and r 13 = 18 cm and 0 = 40 (05 Marks) F12 r12 F13
