Y A Arod Of Length Lm And Mass Per Unit Length P Kg/m Is Balanced On Two Weighing Machines The Weighing Machines A And B Are A Distance Mand Ym Respectively, From Either End Of The Rod (see D'agram Above) Given That 42 14. 19 And P 6 Give The Weight In Kg

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:08 数学类Mathematics

y A Arod of length lm and mass per unit length p kg/m is balanced on two weighing machines The weighing machines A and B are a distance mand ym respectively, from either end of the rod (see d'agram above) Given that 42 14. 19 and p 6 give the weight in kg correct to one decimal place shown by Weighing Machine A Weighing Machine B
