2- Vectors ?⃗⃗ And ?⃗ Are Given In Rectangular Coordinates By ? = 4?̂ + 2?̂ − ?̂ ?⃗ = −2?̂ + 3?̂ Find: A) The Scalar Component, Or Projection, Of ?⃗ In The Direction Of ⃗?⃗ . B) The Vector Component Of ?⃗ In The Direction Of ?⃗⃗ . C) The Vector Component

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 19:08 数学类Mathematics

2- Vectors 𝑨⃗⃗ and 𝑩⃗ are given in rectangular coordinates by 𝐴= 4𝑥̂ + 2𝑦̂ − 𝑧̂ 𝐵⃗ = −2𝑥̂ + 3𝑧̂


a) The scalar component, or projection, of 𝑩⃗ in the directionof ⃗𝑨⃗ .

b) The vector component of 𝑩⃗ in the direction of 𝑨⃗⃗ .

c) The vector component of 𝑩⃗ perpendicular to ⃗𝑨⃗ .
