12. A typical flotation machine has the following specifications : 10 Hp Number of cells = 4 Cell volume = 60 cu.ft Flotation time 12 min Hp per cell The material treated has the following specifications: Pulp (mixture of ore and water) = 40% solids Speci

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Can anyone show the solutionto this? Thanks

12. A typical flotation machine has the following specifications : 10 Hp Number of cells = 4 Cell volume = 60 cu.ft Flotation time 12 min Hp per cell The material treated has the following specifications: Pulp (mixture of ore and water) = 40% solids Specific gravity of ore 3 Tx Cap xd Equation : n= V x 1440 where n= number of cells; V = volume in cu. ft. per cell; Cap = tons of dry ore per 24 hours; d = cu. ft. of pulp (ore and water) containing one ton (2,000 lbs) of solids d. 450 The capacity of the machine in tons of dry ore per 24 hours is a. 590 b. 490 c. 390
