Consider A Hypothetical Mixture Consisting Of 90% By Weight Of Molecules Of Molecular Weight Of 10,000 G/mol, 5% By Weight Of Molecules Of Molecular Weight Of 1,000 G/mol, And 5% By Weight Of Molecules Of Molecular Weight Of 100 G/mol; A) Calculate The Nu

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:55 其他 All Others

Consider a hypothetical mixture consisting of 90% by weight ofmolecules of molecular weight of 10,000 g/mol, 5% by weight ofmolecules of molecular weight of 1,000 g/mol, and 5% by weight ofmolecules of molecular weight of 100 g/mol;

a) Calculate the number-average molecular weight, weight-averagemolecular weight; and polydispersity index;

b) Predict what does the mixture look like;

In reverse, consider a hypothetical mixture consisting of 90% byweight of molecules of molecular weight of 100 g/mol, 5% by weightof molecules of molecular weight of 1,000 g/mol, and 5% by weightof molecules of molecular weight of 10,000 g/mol.

a) Calculate the number-average molecular weight, weight-averagemolecular weight; and polydispersity index;

b) Predict what does the mixture look like;
