The lead concentrate of a particular plant analyzes PbS 83.1%, FeS 7.9%, SiO2 3% and remaining CaCO3. The concentrate is treated by roast-reaction method to produce Pb. The reactions during roasting stage are: 2PbS + 302 = 2PbO + 2S 02 Pbs +202 = Pbs 04 4FeS + 702 = 2Fe2O3 + 45 02 At the end roasting stage all FeS is oxidized, but some PbS remains. The formation of Pbs 04 and PbO is in the ratio 1:3 by weight. During the reaction stage following reactions occur: PbS + 2Pb0 = 3Pb + S02 PbS + PbSO4 = 2Pb + 2S 02 Both of the above reaction continues till all Pbs, Pbs 0 has been consumed. Find: a) Weight of the end of roasting stage and its proximate analysis/ 1000 kg concentrate. b) %5 eliminated at the end of roasting stage. c) Gases formed during (i) roasting stage (ii) reaction stage in M3 at latm and 273K