6.1 Single-Component Phase Equilibrium 201 Are Tabulated On Pp. 2-7 Through 2.47 Of Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook Baltion Points Of Many Species At Specified Pressures May Be Calculated From The Antoine Equation Using Coefficients In Table B.4 And

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6.1 Single-Component Phase Equilibrium 201 are tabulated on pp. 2-7 through 2.47 of Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook Baltion points of many species at specified pressures may be calculated from the Antoine equation using coefficients in Table B.4 and from the APEx function AntoineT. Vapor pressures of water at temperatures from 0°C to 100 copareheabulated in Table B.3 and can be obtained using on the website of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (hup://webbook.nist.gov/ Antoine equation coefficients are available are given in Section 6.1b. Test Yourself (Answers, p. 493) (Referring to Figure 6.1-1) 1. What is the sublimation point of H20 at 3 mm Hg? What is the vapor pressure of ice at -5°C? 2. What is the triple point of CO2? 3. Describe what happens when the pressure of pure CO, is raised from 1 atm to 9.9 atm at -78.5°C, and then the temperature is raised from --78.5°C to 0°C at 9.9 atm. 4. What is the vapor pressure of Co, at -78.5°C? At -40°C? 5. What is the sublimation point of Co, at 1 atm? The melting point at 9.9 atm? The boiling point at the latter pressure? 6. Does the state of water at point E in Figure 6.1-la depend on the path followed in changing the temperature and pressure at point A to the values at point E? Estimation of Vapor Pressures ent Encyclopedia The volatility of a species is the tendency of the species to transfer from the liquid (or solid) s to the vapor state. At a given temperature and pressure, a highly volatile substance is much n Joy yolatility, which is more likely Cilation column function VPWater of APEX, and vapor pressures of many other species at specified tempera- function AntoineP, and from data tabulated on pp. 2-48 through 2-79 of Perry's Handbook and ). Techniques for estimating vapor pressures of species for which neither tabulated data nor
