Dry Air Is Saturated With N-octane Vapor At 20 OC, 1.2 Bar And Burned In A Furnace. The Flue Gas Is Released To The Atmosphere At 140 OC And 1 Bar. Calculate ; A) The Percent Excess Air For Combustion B) Orsat Analysis Of Flue Gas C) Volumetric Flowrate O

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:55 其他 All Others

Dry air is saturated with n-octane vapor at 20 oC, 1.2 bar andburned in a furnace. The flue gas is released to the atmosphere at140 oC and 1 bar. Calculate ;

a) The percent excess air for combustion

b) Orsat analysis of flue gas

c) Volumetric flowrate of flue gas (STP) per 100 moles of dryair

d) Dew point of flue gas

Thanks in advance (NOTE: no other information was provided inthe question)
