QUESTION 2 Adapted From Felder & Rousseau, 29, 308 06.97. Water Is Used To Extract Acetone From A 30 Wt.% Nontone-70%. Methylisobutyl Ketone (MIBK) Misture Flowing At A Rate Of 200 Kgh. Two Equilibrium Stages At 25°C Are Used As Shown In The Following

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QUESTION 2 Adapted from Felder & Rousseau, 29, 308 06.97. Water is used to extract acetone from a 30 wt.% nontone-70%. Methylisobutyl ketone (MIBK) misture flowing at a rate of 200 kgh. Two equilibrium stages at 25°C are used as shown in the following diagram. 300 kg H2O/h is led to each extraction unit The concentration of MIBK and acetone exiting the first extraction unit and feeding the second unit is B1 wt% and 15 wt%, respectively with a total flow of 171 kgh. The extract contains water, MIBK, and Botone. The concentration of water and acetone in the raffinate stream from unit 2 is 7% and 35% respectively. The total mass flow in the raffinate stream exiting unit 2 is 40 kph. lignoring the multiphase systems) 300 kg H.Oh 300 kg H.On Raffinate Feed 30 Acelone 70% MIBK Extraction unit 1 Extraction unit 2 Combined extract a. Find the mass and composition of the combined extract
