Problem 5 (5 points) Bode Diagram 40 30 20 10 Magnitude (dB) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 0 -45 Phase (dog) -90 - 135 -180 10-1 100 102 103 10 Frequency (rad/s) The Bode plot above shows the frequency response for a piezoelectric actuator driving the wings of a tiny flapping-wing insect robot. The input applied is u(t) = 100 sin(wt) Volts. The output y(t) is in units of degrees (the wing flapping angle). Piezoelectric actuators have a tiny stroke/motion output, so often they leverage system resonance with lightly-damped systems to achieve larger motions. (a) (1 point) What is the flapping angle in absolute units in the DC limit? (b) (2 points) Our design specifications require a flapping angle of 100 degrees, but we can choose any frequency to flap at. Can we meet this requirement with 100V sinusoidal input voltage? If not, what is the minimum voltage amplitude (approximately) required to achieve a flapping angle of 100 degrees? (c) (2 points) Without using MATLAB, if we assume that this system does not have any zeros, estimate the system transfer function based on the Bode plot.