25 In A Normal Shock Wave In Supersonic Flow, Which Of The Following Statements Is Correct? * (2 Points) B. Static Temperature Decreases Behind The Shock A. Mach Number Increase Behind The Shock D. All Of These C. Static Pressure Increase Behind The Shock

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:49 机械工程Mechanical Engineering

25 In a Normal Shock wave in supersonic flow, which of the following statements is correct? * (2 Points) b. Static temperature decreases behind the shock a. Mach number increase behind the shock d. All of these c. Static pressure increase behind the shock Option 2 Submit
22 The area of the duct is either maximum or minimum when the * (2 Points) c. M = 0 a. M = 1 d. M < Otion 1 b. M=1
