The Figure Question Shows Two Parts (1 And 3) Connected Together By A Pin (2). On Parts 1 And 3 A Force Of F = 10KN Acted. Calculate: A. Calculate The Tensile Stress That Develops In Section (3). B. Calculate The Shear Stress That Develops In The Pin. C.

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:49 机械工程Mechanical Engineering

The figure question shows two parts (1 and 3) connected togetherby a pin (2).
On parts 1 and 3 a force of F = 10KN acted.

A. Calculate the tensile stress thatdevelops in section (3).
B. Calculate the shear stress thatdevelops in the pin.
C. Calculate the crushing stress thatdevelops in the pin.

1 035 010 2 Ø25 CG [mm] 3
