1. Multiple Choice Questions 1. A force can be replaced by a) A force of same magnitude and couple b) A force-couple combination so that equilibrium is maintained c) A force of different magnitude and couple d) None of the above 2. Two non-collinear paral

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:49 机械工程Mechanical Engineering

1. Multiple Choice Questions 1. A force can be replaced by a) A force of same magnitude and couple b) A force-couple combination so that equilibrium is maintained c) A force of different magnitude and couple d) None of the above 2. Two non-collinear parallel equal forces acting in opposite direction a) Balance each other b) Constitute a couple c) Constitute a moment d) None of the above 3. The force polygon for coplanar concurrent forces a) Must Close b) Must not close c) Anyone of the above d) None of the above 4. Moment of a force a) Varies directly with its distance from the pivot b) Varies inversely with its distance from the pivot c) Is independent of its distance from the pivot d) None of the above 5. A couple consists of a) Two like parallel forces of same magnitude b) Two like parallel forces of different magnitude c) Two unlike parallel forces of same magnitude d) Two unlike parallel forces of different magnitude
