Heat Transfer - Design
A cylindrical tank of 1 m outer diameter and 4 m long withhemi-spherical ends, is made from stainless steel of 3 mm thick andis used to store liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196⁰C. Theambient temperature varies from 27⁰C to 35⁰C every day. Design theinsulation for this tank with following parameters:
- Heat transfer co-efficient is 15 W/m2⁰C
- The insulating material is a superinsulating material (SIM)
- Outer-most surface is made from Aluminum sheet with 1mmthick
- Minimum insulation thickness is preferred to reduce cost
- No condensation shall occur on outer surface of the Aluminum
Stating your assumptions and design an optimum insulation forthe cylindrical tank.
, heat leakage Tant = 30°C, RH = 60% Radius = 0.5 m LN, at-196°C 1 m heat leakage heat leakage L = 4 meters