Q11 A Wind Tunnel Is Used To Measure The Pressure Distribution In The Airflow Over An Airplane Model. The Air Speed In The Wind Tunnel Is Low Enough That Compressible Effects Are Negligible. The Bernoulli Equation Approximation Is Valid In Such A Flow Sit

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:49 机械工程Mechanical Engineering

Q11 A wind tunnel is used to measure the pressure distribution in the airflow over an airplane model. The air speed in the wind tunnel is low enough that compressible effects are negligible. The Bernoulli equation approximation is valid in such a flow situation everywhere except very close to the body surface or wind tunnel wall surfaces and in the wake region behind the model. Far away from the model, the air flows at speed Vo = (41.35) m/s and pressure P c=101325 Pa, and the air density p=1.225 is approximately constant. Gravitational effects are generally negligible in airflows, so we write =com. P the Bernoulli equation as: a). Nondimensionalize the equation, and generate an expression for the pressure coefficient C at any point in the flow where the Bernoulli equation is valid. C is P-P. defined as (ov./2) P P b) Evaluate the velocity, pressure and pressure coefficient C at the stagnation point and at the point, where V = 1.3V.
