Design A System To Rise Water From A Lake To The Uphill Of Vertical Distance Of The Last 2 Digits Of Your ID Number (if The Last Two Digits Are Less Than 20 Add 30 M). The System Will Include: 1- Pump/s 2- Pipes 3- Fittings 4- Reservoir ID=1935437 You Nee

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-12-01 18:49 机械工程Mechanical Engineering

Design a system to rise water from a lake to the uphill of vertical distance of the last 2 digits of your ID number (if the last two digits are less than 20 add 30 m). The system will include: 1- Pump/s 2- Pipes 3- Fittings 4- Reservoir ID=1935437 You need to apply the energy equation, conservation of mass and etc. You need to calculate the energy loss You need to calculate the velocities in pipes You need to calculate the size of reservoir Etc.... The form of report should be arranged as: Introduction ( 2 points) Define the problem/s (1 point) Literature Survey (references) (1 point) Design, Theory, equations, drawings (4 points) Discussion and results (2 points) Conclusions (1 point)
