For The Following Circuit, Ic=IMA, R=11ko, Rp=5.5k, Rs=1k0, R=1k, B=100, C1 = C2 = 8uF, V=0.026V, You May Use The Time Constant Method Voc Q1 C1 HEW Vin C2 R2 & 1 Rg Vout SRL Hz The Frequency Associated With C, Is Equal To The Frequency Associated Wit

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 19:07 电气工程Electrical Engineering

For the following circuit, Ic=IMA, R=11ko, Rp=5.5k, Rs=1k0, R=1k, B=100, C1 = C2 = 8uF, V=0.026V, you may use the time constant method Voc Q1 C1 HEW Vin C2 R2 & 1 Rg Vout SRL Hz The frequency associated with C, is equal to The frequency associated with C, is equal to The lower cutoff frequency is equal to Hz THz
