If A Pure Sinusoidal Wave Is Applied At The Input Of The Circuit Of The Following Circuit And If The Gain-bandwidth Product Of Each 741 Operational Amplifier Used In The Circuit Is 1 MHz. Determine The Following: I. Gain Of Each Operational Amplifier. Ii.

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 19:07 电气工程Electrical Engineering

If a pure sinusoidal wave is applied at the input of the circuit of the following circuit and if the gain-bandwidth product of each 741 operational amplifier used in the circuit is 1 MHz. Determine the following: i. Gain of each operational amplifier. ii. Sketch input and output waveforms for the each amplifier with proper indication of voltage levels. iii. Output voltage Vo iv. Maximum frequency response of the given system
(5 + X) V 100 k V = 10 mVm 10 k V - (5 - XV
