Determine the following parameters for the given circuit: a. 3dB and mid-band gain in absolute terms and in dBs. b. Maximum output voltage swing in ideal case. C. f1 and f2. d. 3dB Bandwidth. e. Gain-BW product f. Unity Gain Bandwidth. Vez RE Ri 1 RO R The given circuit has the following parameters: R1 = 47 ko, R2 = 12 kq, R: = 3.3 k0, R2 = 1.2 ko, Os = 4.7 pF. Ce = 47 pF. Cc = 1 pF, Cbe = 4.7 pF, Cbc = 4 uF. Cee = 1 pF. Cws = 10 pF, CNG = 4 pF. B = 110 and Voc = (10 + X) V. Where X = Sum of your roll No. (e.g. 11 -= 1 + 1 = 2).