2. The Two Voltage Sources Shown In Figure 3 Are Pressure Sensors Where, For Each Source And With Vin=6V, R1 = R2 = 10k Ohm, R3 = 15k Ohm ,R4 = 10k Ohm, RF = 50k Ohm Determine Vo(using Superposition) V In R1 R3 RF R2 R4 RF Www. Figure 2
2. The two voltage sources shown in Figure 3 are pressure sensors where, for each source and with Vin=6V, R1 = R2 = 10k ohm, R3 = 15k ohm ,R4 = 10k ohm, RF = 50k ohm Determine Vo(using superposition) V in R1 R3 RF R2 R4 RF www. Figure 2