Could You Please Provide A Clear And Detailed Worked Solution For The Following Question. Please Only Answer It If You Are Certain You Can Answer It Correctly. I Will Leave Feedback That Reflects The Quality Of Your Answer. I Have The Correct Solution For

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 19:07 电气工程Electrical Engineering

Could you please provide a clear and detailed worked solutionfor the following question. Please only answer it if you arecertain you can answer it correctly. I will leave feedback thatreflects the quality of your answer. I have the correct solutionfor this problem, however I need to see the working out for it.

A circuit has two loads connected in parallel across an ideal 33 V, 91 Hz sinusoidal voltage source. The load impedances are: Z = 25.6 + 27.8) Z2 = 12.9 - 19.4j Calculate the active power, P, supplied by the source. Answer: OWO kW
