1) Introduction Main performance metrics of transmission lines are voltage drop, line losses and transmission efficiency. These metrics are greatly influenced by the constants R, L and C of the transmission line. Resistance of transmission line conductors is the most important cause of power loss. The resistance and inductance form the series impedance. The capacitance between conductors forms a shunt path. The performance of transmission line is measured based on the voltage regulation and line loadability. Z Is IR VA Z=z1 = R + jol Vs Y/2 2 Y/2 Y = y.1 = (G)+ joc The line capacitance must be taken into consideration in medium transmission line. The line capacitance is assumed to be concentrated in the form of capacitors shunted across the line at one or more points. There are three localized capacitance methods: (1) End condenser method (11) Nominal T method (111) Nominal method. ZY Z V. ZY 11 |(1 D=(1-2): pu: B20;c=r{1+*)s, A1 2) Problem Find the voltage and power at the sending and the voltage regulation and efficiency when the line is supplying a three-phase load of: a) 245 MVA, 0.85 lagging power factor at 200 kV b) 215 MW, unity power factor at 200 kV. The line length is 200 km with per phase series impedance of z = 0.05+j0.45 -2 per km and per phase shunt admittance of y = 13.4*10 siemens per km 3) Design Verification All design has to be verified using manual calculation Grades will be given based on your creativity in presenting the data and your analysis.