First convert the following numbers as shown to IEEE FloatingPoint Standard (FPS) modified (16 bits) by changing the 23 bitfractional part to a 7 bit fractional part (still using the hiddenbit) and showing how they would be stored in a register. Then doth
- First convert the following numbers as shown to IEEE FloatingPoint Standard (FPS) modified (16 bits) by changing the 23 bitfractional part to a 7 bit fractional part (still using the hiddenbit) and showing how they would be stored in a register. Then dothe specified operation showing the result as the modified FPS. Ifyou choose to show the hidden bit you must put itin parentheses. (40 pts)
―59.272 FPS =
― 174.79 FPS =
5727.475 FPS =
― 27.895 FPS=