Part B(30 points): Combine merge sort with insertion sort as instructed in class. This means you terminate the recursion for merge sort, when the size of the segment is at most 6 (H-L <6), and then use insertion sort. Take your array size to be 500

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing

Part B(30 points): Combine merge sort with insertion sort as instructed in class. This means you terminate the recursion for merge sort, when the size of the segment is at most 6 (H-L <6), and then use insertion sort. Take your array size to be 500. All programs should be written in C/C++ programming language. You can use the merge sort code, and insertion sort from the textbook. Your program should read from a file called datal.txt and write to a file called outl.txt. ALL programs must run on the CSE machines.
