Exercise 3 - Problem Description develop and run a C program that ► Displays your information properly: student name, id, and student email ► Declare an array of characters of size 3 called arr1 ► Declare an array of characters of size 3 called arr2 > Prompts (ask) the user to enter the two arrays Note: Assume the user will enter a proper characters and numbers, no need to check for improper input > The program inserts the 3 characters of the first input in the array arr1. → The program inserts the 3 characters of the second input in the array arr2. → After that, the program displays the number represented by subtracting the two arrays to gather (the decimal value of first character in arr1 - the decimal value of second character arr2 ...etc.) > Add your name, ld, and email address as a comment at the beginning of the program. Sample output : Student name: Samer Sawalha Student id : 9999999 Student Email: 9999999@std.psut.edu.jo Enter three characters: ABC Enter three characters: abc The result is: -32-32-32