ALL FUNCTIONS IN JAVA AND IN ONE FILE PLEASE 1) Suppose That Each Row Of An N × N Array A Consists Of 1’s And 0’s Such That, In Any Row Of A, All The 1’s Come Before Any 0’s In That Row. Write A Python Function Or Java Method For Finding The Row Of A That

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing



Suppose that each row of an n × n array A consists of 1’s and0’s such that, in any row of A, all the 1’s come before any 0’s inthat row. Write a Python function or Java method for finding therow of A that contains the most 1’s.

Write a recursive Python function or Java method to compute theproduct of two positive integers m and n using only addition.

An array A contains n − 1 unique integers in the range [0, n −1]; that is, there is one number from this range that is not in A.Design an O(n)-time algorithm (write Python function or Javamethod) for finding that number. You are allowed to use only O(1)additional space besides the array A itself.

Write a recursive Python function or Java method for findingboth the minimum and the maximum elements in an array A of nelements. Your method should return a pair (a, b), where a is theminimum element and b is the maximum. What is the running time ofyour method?
