Given A Dictionary Grade_counts = {\"A\": 8, \"D\": 3, \"C\": 6, \"F\": 2, \"B\": 15} Write A Python Program That Displays The Following Chart In Which Each Row Contains A Key Followed By The Number Of Ast

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing

Given a dictionary

grade_counts = {"A": 8, "D": 3, "C": 6, "F": 2, "B":15}

write a Python program that displays the following chart inwhich each row contains a key followed by the number of asterisksequal to the key’s data value. The rows should be printed in keyorder, as shown below.

A: ********

B: ***************

C: ******

D: ***

F: **
