8. Which Instruction Pushes The 32-bit EFLAGS Register On The Stack? * (2.5 Points) PUSHAD PUSHA PUSHE 9. (True/False) If Direction Flag (DF) Is Set Then EDI Will Be Incremented After SCASB 11 Point 10. (True/False) The Instruction That Loads An Integer O

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing

8. Which instruction pushes the 32-bit EFLAGS register on the stack? * (2.5 Points) PUSHAD PUSHA PUSHE 9. (True/False) If Direction Flag (DF) is set then EDI will be incremented after SCASB 11 Point
10. (True/False) The instruction that loads an integer operand into ST(0) is FILD? * (1 Point) True 11. What will be the value of BX after the following instructions execute? mov bx 918Ah or bx 17h (2.5 Points 9497
12. The function that read text from keyboard using windows API is: * (2.5 Points) ReadConsoleA ReadText GetConsole Read Console 13. (True/False) INT 21h Functions 1 write a single character to standard output.* (1 Point) False
14. When scanning an array for the first occurrence of a particular character, which repeat prefix would be best? * (2.5 Points) REPE LOOP REP REPNE 15.(True/False): The following code will jump to the label named Target. mov eax, -42 cmp eax, 26 ja Target (1 Point) False True
16. One of the followings is not a CPU status Flag* UT (2.5 Points) CF (Curry Flag) SF (Sign Flag) JF (Jump Flag) AF (Auxiliary Carry Flag) 17. (True/False) INT 21h Function 6 reads a character from standard input without waiting, (1 Point) True False
18. What is the binary representation of the following hexadecimal number? 6ACDFA95 m (2.5 Points) Enter your answer I 19. What is the 16-bit binary (two's-complement) representation of -7? (2.5 Points) Enter your answer
