* 1. The Register that is used to point to next Instruction is: (2.5 Points) EBP EIP 2. What is the directive for defining signed 32 bit value * (2.5 Points) SWORD SDWORD TBYTE WORD
3. What value will EAX contain after the following instructions execute? .data dVal DWORD 12345678h .code mov ax, 3 mov WORD PTR dVal+2, ax mov eax, dval* DON (2.5 Points) 12343 31234 G 56783 35678
4. What will be the value of AL after the following instruction executed mov al , OD4h shr al, 2* (2.5 Points) 50h 35h 5.12. What will be the contents of AX and DX after the following operation?
5. 12. What will be the contents of AX and DX after the following operation? mov dx, 0 mov ax, 222h mov CX, 100h mul cx (2.5 Points) AX. 2000 DX: 0022h AX: 0002 DX: 2200h AX: 0022 DX: 2000h AX2200h OX 0002h rifi and Sign Flag (SF) after the following Instruction executed are:
6. The values of Curry Flag (CF) and Sign Flag (SF) after the following Instruction executed are: mov al,00000101b cmp al,00000111b * (2.5 Points) CE=1 SF=0 CESSF1 CE=0 SF=1 CFO SF=0 7. The instruction that is used to preserve register values when procedure call occur is: * (2.5 Points) USE USES POP PROC